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Cluster description


Compute nodes#

(Last update: 20/11/2023)

CPU nodes#

Nbr CPU (Hyper-Thread) RAM (GB )
10 48 250
7 96 250
4 256 250
16 104 1000
1 80 1020
1 128 2060

(Last update: 19/09/2024)

GPU nodes#

Nbr GPU CPU RAM (GB ) Type Disk /tmp Disk /bank
2 2 80 512 NVIDIA l40s ~64 GB 3.5 TB
1 2 40 128 NVIDIA k80 32 GB -

GPU Instance Profiles#

⚠️ The values below can change. To check the current situation:

sinfo -Ne -p gpu --format "%.15N %.4c %.7m %G"
Profile Name GPU Memory Number of Instances Available
l40s 24GB 4
k80 48GB 2



  • 2.5 PB of project storage
  • 7 TB of scratch

Software layer#

The cluster is managed by Slurm (version 17.05).

Scientific software and tools are available through Environment Modules and are mainly based on Conda packages or Singularity images.

Operating System: Ubuntu (cluster) and sometimes CentOS

Around the cluster management: Zabbix, Netbox, VMware ESX.

Deployment and configuration are powered by Ansible and GitLab. Schema orchestration