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Quick start guide


Sign up (request an account): ABiMS - Account Request. The account will be created within a few days.

More information about services on ABiMS website.

Default SLURM account "demo"#

Your user name is by default associated with the "demo" slurm account.

⚠️ This "demo" account is limited to 6 hours of computing. You need to request the creation of your own project to have more computing hours.

To request a project go to

To find out how to change your default project go to "project"

Log in#

Access: SSH

On Linux/Mac, simply use a ssh client like OpenSSH

ssh <username>

On Windows, you can use clients like PuTTY > Show me

Please see the Logging in page for further details.



Several volumes of data storage are available on the ABiMS Cluster. Use it knowingly.

Usage Quota (default) Backup policy
/shared/home/ Home directory (personal data) 100GB No
/shared/projects/ Scientific and project (common data) 250GB Yes
/shared/scratch/ For temporary processing data. File older than 90 days are automatically deleted. 500GB No
/shared/bank Read-Only. Common banks (UniProt, RefSeq, ...)

If you need or plan to use more storage space, please contact us:

Please see "storage" page for further details.


SSH protocol (or SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol) is the only protocol available. But, you can use many clients to download your data from the cluster (scp, rsync, wget, ftp, etc.).

You can also use graphic clients like FileZilla. > Show me

Or simply use your file manager with SSHFS > Show me

Please see the Transfer page for further details.


To use softwares like blast, python, gcc, etc. we have to "load" them using module commands (Environment Modules):

  • List: module avail
  • Use blast: module load blast
  • Use a specific version: module load blast/2.2.25

You can also use singularity or conda directly.

Please see the Conda page for further details. Please see the Singularity page for further details.

Submit a job#

The computing is done by submitting "jobs" to the workload manager Slurm. You must use Slurm to execute your jobs.

1. Write a bash script#

This script must contain your commands to execute. Many editors are available (see editors page).
Here, inside, we launch a bowtie command and just print some truth.


bowtie2 -x hg19 -1 sample_R1.fq.gz -2 sample_R2.fq.gz -S sample_hg19.sam

echo "Enjoy slurm ! It's highly addictive."

2. Add options and requirements#

You can specify several options for your jobs (name, number of CPU, amount of memory, time limit, etc.). These extra parameters must be set in the beginning of the script with the #SBATCH directive (just after the shebang #!/bin/bash).

One of the parameters you must set is -A or --account which sets the account you are using. Without this option your jobs will use your default account which could be the account "demo" limited to 6 hours of computing.

Here we specify the job name, the amount of memory required and the account. Advice: We recommend to set as many parameters as you can in the script in order to keep a track of your execution parameters for a future submission.


#SBATCH --job-name=bowtie
#SBATCH --mem=40GB
#SBATCH --account=yourproject

bowtie2 -x hg19 -1 sample_R1.fq.gz -2 sample_R2.fq.gz -S sample_hg19.sam

echo "Enjoy slurm ! It's highly addictive."

3. Launch your job with sbatch#


The command return a jobid to identify your job.
See more useful information below (Slurm commands).

4. Follow your job#

The status goes successively from PENDING (PD) to RUNNING (R) and finally COMPLETED (C) (and job disappear from the queue). So if your job is not displayed, your jobs is finished (with success or with error).


5. See output#

The output of the script (standard output and standard error) is live written. Default output file is slurm-[jobid].out in your working directory. And of course, if you have some result files like sample_hg19.sam, these files will be available.


  • All nodes have access to the data (/shared/home/, /shared/projects/ or /shared/bank/).

  • All softwares are available on the nodes, but we have to load them inside the script with command module add [module].

  • All jobs are contained and can not use more resources than defined (CPU, memory).

  • Jobs which exceed limits (memory or time, values by default or set) are killed.

  • It's possible to be connected on a compute node when a job is running (ssh cpu-node-XX).


Slurm commands#

If you are used to PBS/Torque/SGE/LSF/LoadLeveler, refer to the Rosetta Stone of Workload Managers

  • Submit a job: sbatch
  • Information on jobs: squeue
  • Information on my jobs: squeue -u $USER
  • Information on running job: scontrol show job <jobid>
  • Delete a job: scancel <jobid>
Options frequently used
--job-name=demojob` Job name
--time=01:00:00` Limit run time "hours:minutes:seconds" (default = max partition time)
--partition=long` Select partition (default = fast)
Partitions = fast (job <= 24 hours) or long (job > 24 hours)
--nodes=N` Request N compute node to this job (default = 1)
--cpus-per-task=N` Number of cores/tasks requested (default = 1 per node)
--mem=2GB<br>--mem-per-cpu=2GB` Amount of real memory (default = 2GB/cpu)
--exclusive` Whole node only for you
--output=slurm-%j.out` Specify the output file (standard output and error, default = slurm-[jobid].out)
--workdir=/path/` Working directory (default = submission directory)
--mail-user=email@address<br>--mail-type=ALL` Send mail on job events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)

Please see the SLURM user guide page for further details.

Don't hesitate to have also a look at the sbatch official documentation

Script template#

Just an example. Customize it to meet your needs.


################################ Slurm options #################################

### Job name
#SBATCH --job-name=demo_job

### Limit run time "days-hours:minutes:seconds"
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00

### Requirements
#SBATCH --partition=fast
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8GB
#SBATCH --account=yourproject

### Email
#SBATCH --mail-user=email@address
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

### Output
#SBATCH --output=/shared/home/<user>/demojob-%j.out


echo '########################################'
echo 'Date:' $(date --iso-8601=seconds)
echo 'User:' $USER
echo 'Host:' $HOSTNAME
echo 'Job Name:' $SLURM_JOB_NAME
echo 'Job Id:' $SLURM_JOB_ID
echo 'Directory:' $(pwd)
echo '########################################'

# modules loading
module add ...

# What you actually want to launch
echo 'Waooouhh. Awesome.'

echo '########################################'
echo 'Job finished' $(date --iso-8601=seconds)


At your disposal, please see the Cluster description and Slurm at IFB pages for further details.

View results#

Usage Pros Cons
Browse data on server Use your favorite viewer/editor/tool: less, vim, emacs, nano, ... Simple. Quick. Easy Not always suitable, sufficient or possible.
Get the data back on your workstation See Transfer Have a own local copy. Flexibility (use your own tools/workstation). Use space. Take time.
Use SSHFS on your workstation Browse and view your data directly from you local file manager. Integrated on many distributions. See Transfer Easy to browse data. Can be slow. Data are transferred (so it can take space and time)
Export display Remote display, for Graphic User Interface (xemacs, geany, gedit, etc.). See Export display No data transferred (only display) Can be slow
R lovers Use RStudio :) Integrated Specific

Go further#